Why pitta bread is healthier than you thought

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Pita bread is very versatile and healthy, it can be used in a wide variety of different dishes.
This type of bread has a very high nutritional value and, as such, is ideal if you want a
healthy and balanced diet.

Here are some of the reasons why pita bread is a lot healthier than you think:

  • Low in fat. One of the benefits of pita bread is its low saturated fat content. Unlike other types of bread, pita does not contain butter or oil, and this makes it a much healthier choice. It is also a great source of fibre which helps keep our digestive system functioning properly.
  • Low in carbohydrates. It is an excellent alternative for those looking to reduce their carbohydrate intake. Pita bread’s glycemic index is much lower than other kinds of bread which means that our blood sugar levels do not increase as quickly when we eat it. Its smaller size also helps with portion control.
  • Vegan. Pita bread can also be a good option for vegans and vegetarians. Mana Pan Pita does not contain any ingredients of animal origin which means it is 100% vegan. As such it can be filled with a never-ending variety of vegan-friendly protein and delicious vegetables. It is a fun and easy way to include a wide variety of healthy foods into one meal.
  • Perfect for any kind of recipe. Another way this kind of bread can contribute to a healthy lifestyle is the fact that it is so versatile. It is easy to prepare and can be used in combination with many different dishes. For example, you can replace a tortilla with pita bread, or you can cut your pita into triangles and serve it as a starter.
  • Fresh bread. Mana Pan Pita uses a shock freezer to freeze the pita bread after baking and does not add any improvers or preservatives. This ultra-fast freezing process means that the bread remains fresher for longer and preserves all of its natural properties. Just defrost it when you are ready to use it and you have delicious fresh bread at our fingertips.

If you would like to include pitta bread in your diet, you can do so by simply replacing the
bread you currently eat with pita. This is a simple way to add more fibre and nutrients to your
diet without having to give up on any of the flavours and quality you love. In addition, if you
opt for Mana Pan Pita you are safe in the knowledge that your pita contains only the best
quality ingredients!

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