How is pitta bread made?

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The process involved in the production of pita bread is meticulous and thorough in order to ensure a product which is fresh, high quality and has a consistent flavour. This process consists of various stages, from the selection of ingredients to their packaging and shipment. Today’s post describes each stage of the process we follow at Mana Pan Pita.

  1. Ingredient selection: The first stage in the production process is selecting the ingredients we use for our pita bread. We use high quality ingredients such as flour, water, yeast and salt, to guarantee the quality and consistent flavour of our pita.
  2. Mixing: Once the ingredients have been selected, we mix them in a large industrial mixer till they form a homogenous dough. We then let this mixture settle to ensure the yeast can do its job and the dough begins to raise.
  3. Kneading: Once it has settled, we knead the dough to improve its texture and flavour. This stage is carried out using a kneading machine which improves the dough’s elasticity and means that we end up with a pita bread which has a nice airy texture.
  4. Fermentation: After kneading, we leave the dough to ferment for a specific amount of time so that the yeast can continue to evolve and work. This step ensures that we have a consistent flavour and great texture.
  5. Making the pitas: After fermenting the dough, we cut it into equal portions and mould it into pita shapes. Each pita is placed on a tray and allowed to settle before baking.
  6. Baking: The pitas are baked in the oven at a very high temperature – we make sure we maintain a consistent temperature and baking conditions and this is where the magic happens when the pita bread’s pocket is formed!
  7. Cooling: After baking, the pitas are left to cool before they are packaged. This is an important step to make sure that the bread does not lose its shape or texture.
  8. Packaging: The pita bread is packaged in airtight bags to keep them fresh. We also label the bags with nutritional information and best before dates.
  9. Shock freezing: Each bread is frozen in a shock freezer which preserves its properties and keeps it fresh for longer.
  10. Shipping: Finally, the pita bread is sent to distributors and retailers, using temperature controlled transport.

This production process is as natural as possible when it comes to the production of large amounts of fresh, high quality pita bread. Explore our website for further information!


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